About Us

Sarvodaya Sendhwa Shikshan Samiti is a small team committed
towards development of the people it works with.

Our Objectives

  • To accord special importance to girl education
  • To make efforts for education, health, and social upliftment of children of labourers and child labourers
  • To develop tribal culture and education in tribal regions
  • To organise education and training programme for rural technology and cottage industries
  • To run anganwadis, balwadis, primary, middle ashrams for rural and urban people
  • To conduct training programme for protecting and conserving seeds, manure, etc., for farmers with a view to make them self-reliant and impart them information and cooperation
  • To conduct adult education centres under literacy programme
  • To form self-help groups of women and weaker sections of the society for collective work and help in their running
  • To introduce common people with the usage of natural treatment and herbs and motivate them for their use and organise training camps for this end, establish and run naturopathy centres
  • To run gurukul for moral, spiritual, and cultural upliftment of children through Indian system
  • To run schools for propagating Sanskrit language and impart education in performing rituals
  • To organise collective prayers, songs, bhajans, workshops, sermons, etc., for physical, mental, moral, and spiritual development of humans and organise yoga camps, meetings, seminars, etc., for propagating yoga
  • To impart traditional and modern vocational training to poor boys, men and women belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, and Minorities and implement poverty alleviation programmes
  • To arrange short stay homes, family counselling centres, old age homes and orphanage for the old, disabled, destitute, deaf and dumb, and orphan children, impart them employment-oriented training to make them self-reliant and enhance their participation in welfare projects

Our Governing Board

Dr Ashutosh Sharma, President
Mrs Vimla Sharma, Vice-president
Rajendra Sharma, Secretary
Mr Govind Shastri, Treasurer
Mrs Munni, Joint Secretary
Dr Damodar, Member
Mr Divyam, Member

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